We all have those people in our lives that no matter how many times you piss them off, they will never retaliate, like family members or a best friend. However, there are certain people that you really don't want to mess with because they see revenge as a casual hobby. These hilarious photos show what happens when you tick off the wrong person, and you won't be able to stop laughing at how they retaliated.
1. There's A Reason You Can't Park In Front Of The Hydrant
While most of us think that the one time we park in front of a fire hydrant, it won't be the time it is needed for a real fire, this person did not have that same luck. They got what they deserved because they were blocking the hose's path, so the firefighters came up with this solution.

Unfortunately for this person, they now have two broken windows and a parking ticket. Hopefully, they learned their lesson that it is never a good idea to park in an illegal spot no matter how long they had been trying to find a spot.
2. When Your Neighbor Pisses You Off One Too Many Times...Fence Them In
We have seen some interesting things from angry and petty neighbors, but this tops the list. This person was so sick of their neighbors lingering outside and acting like nosey nellies, so they put up a fence right in front of their neighbor's garage.

This might achieve a few moments of silence in the morning, but their neighbors might call the police. We can't imagine that this fence stayed up for a long time because they had to leave the garage at some point.
3. "That's What You Get For Leaving Me In The Car"
Dogs should never be left alone in the car because they can overheat, and this one decided to take revenge on its thoughtless owner. Instead of waiting to be taken out, she did her business right where it would fester and smell the most.

Not only did it stink up the car, but it also did it where every passerby could see. Now everyone in the parking lot will know just how bad this pet owner is and how awful their car smells inside. That will teach them not to leave the dog in the car.
4. When You Get In A Fight With Your Sister And This Is Her Revenge
After an argument with your siblings, sometimes you make up or the issue goes unresolved. In this instance, nothing was fixed after the argument because her sister got revenge by cutting the bristles off her toothbrush. What kind of person would do that?

This is the most bizarre way to get back at your sibling after an argument. Our siblings have messed up our rooms or broken something important, but they have never messed with our toothbrushes after an argument. This is a new one we will use in the future.
5. Steven, You've Got Some 'Splainin To Do
For someone to be this angry with their ex, they had to have done something horrible. Emily was trying to get Steven's attention because he needed to see how mad she truly was, and we think she got her message across loud and clear.

We now know Steve is a cheating liar who has been publicly shamed, and his cheating was caught on camera. At least she was nice enough not to include any personal information like his last name in the message because that would have been way worse.
6. Don't Mess With Cats
When you mess with a cat, you get shoved in a box, and that applies to other cats as well. This one was annoying its sibling, so it got shoved in the box, and it probably deserved it. We would just love to know what it did to deserve being jailed.

Eventually, it got out of the box when the orange one lost interest and found a string to play with. The last person you would ever want to mess with is not even a person but an animal. We must be cautious of our feline "friends."
7. Now He Knows Not To Sit On The Keyboard
Have you ever noticed that your cat decides the keyboard is the only comfortable place to sit in the house whenever you use your laptop? This cat had that same idea, but instead of letting it take over the keyboard, its owner put the laptop on top of the cat.

This cat looks like it is plotting its own revenge for this strange and unusual punishment. It's letting him have a few moments of peace before it attacks. Maybe it will stop using the laptop as a place to nap now.
8. When Someone Insults Your Cooking
Have you ever tried to tell someone that you didn't like their cooking in a nice way? It's never good to hear that someone doesn't like our cooking because it puts us in a vulnerable position. We guess this person had their cooking insulted and took revenge on the insultee.

Instead of taking the constructive criticism, they decided to throw the pan at the person's windshield. They never saw the flying pan coming, and now it is stuck on their car as a reminder of something we were taught as kids: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."
9. That'll Get Them To Stop Stealing The Creamer
The work fridge is an absolute warzone and liability, to begin with, so you have to be cautious when you leave food in there. More fights occur around that fridge than any other place in the office because it combines hungry people and food that doesn't belong to them.

This thief got more than they bargained for after reading this note. For an entire week, the person who thought they were stealing creamer was actually drinking breast milk. That will make them stop stealing other people's food from the office fridge.
10. They Must Have Hated The Service
We are amazed that people like this actually exist in the world. Imagine getting part of your paycheck like this and then having to clean up this disgusting mess. How bad was the service for someone to take the time to create this mess purposely?

Even if the customers were friends with the server, that doesn't seem like a reason to give them a messy tip. We hope there is a 20 or a 50 inside those ones to make up for the time they will waste cleaning this up.
11. When You Piss Off The Photographer
It's a well-known thing that wedding photographers have a short fuse because they want to get the perfect shots for the bride and groom. Even if you trip in a picture, don't bother asking them to delete it because they won't.

This guy must have broken one of the rules, and he is paying the price with these photos that are saved in the bride and groom's album forever. We can only hope that there are more pictures in the album like this.
12. An Eye For An Eye
These are the lessons that need to be taught in school. If someone makes number two in your yard, it gives you automatic exemption from getting in trouble for making in their yard. It is simply an eye for an eye or, in this case, a poo for a poo.

Sometimes revenge isn't necessary, but in this case, it actually is. We just have to know if this person was writing about the past when they were eight years old; how old were they when they wrote this?
13. Dave's Friends Decided To Pull The Ultimate Prank On Him
It looks like Dave's friends have had enough of his antics. Someone decided to have a little fun with his trouble-causing friend by putting his number on a missing dog flyer with a monetary reward.

Dave doesn't even own a dog, and all these strangers are messaging him asking for money. How many people do you think messaged him before he figured out what was really going on? That must have gotten annoying quickly.
14. Worse Than A Time Out
Fidget spinners were the bain of a parent's existence for quite some time, and this parent had to take drastic measures to get their son's habit under control. Instead of taking the spinner away, he put a lock on it to render it useless.

While there are more annoying things his child could be doing, he now learned his lesson about annoying people with those pesky fidget spinners. As you can see from the photo, it had a massive impact, and this is a good lesson for him.
15. It Says No Parking For A Reason
When you park where the trash cans are supposed to go, and you know you aren't supposed to be there, we can't blame them for blocking the car. The people who collect the trash have many places to stop, and they have to stick to a strict schedule.

They were so annoyed that their trash schedule was continuously being ruined by this car, so they gathered all the trash cans for that spot and surrounded the car. Now the person will have to deal with all the trash when they finally decide to move their car.
16. That's What They Get For Their Awful Parking Job
There is nothing worse than driving through a parking lot only to see someone has taken up multiple spaces because they think their car is more important than everyone else's. Most of the time, nothing will happen to their car if they park it in a singular space, but not in this case.

A group of people were so infuriated that this person thought he needed to take up four spaces, so they taught him a lesson about parking like a jerk. We don't know where they got all the supplies so quickly, but we would say they did a darn good job.
17. Senior Prank Taken To The Next Level
When the senior prank has to be executed with meticulous precision and it turns out perfect. We would hate to be the person who has to clean all of these cups up, and we don't even know if they have anything in them.

No one is more surprised by this than the teachers who can't seem to get their students organized for an assembly or fire drill, never mind getting them to create this masterpiece. Kudos to these teens.
18. That's What You Get For Cheating
When your cheating boyfriend is a huge football fan, so you buy tickets to his favorite team's game and bring a poster exposing him to the world. That will teach him not to mess with women again. We hope he learned his lesson.

We can only imagine how his friends reacted when they saw this on TV. Imagine if his family was watching the game? That would be so humiliating for him, and it is the perfect revenge for cheating.
19. The Tooth Fairy Forgot This Little Girl, And She Is Fed Up
This little girl was snubbed by the "tooth fairy" for the second time so she wrote her an angry complaint letter. Jennifer said, "This is the second time you've done this. You forgot me, so if you're not going to come then I'm going to keep my own teeth."

Jennifer continued on to say, "You are through collecting teeth from Jennifer. From now on, I'm keeping my own teeth." Well, little does Jennifer know, the tooth fairy is her parents, so she should be complaining to them for not leaving any money.
20. Never Ever Buy Unfrosted Pop Tarts
Whoever thought it would be a good idea to buy unfrosted pop tarts was the devil. They basically taste like cardboard, and the box deserves to be stabbed because they are just that gross.

This person wanted to send a clear message to whoever bought the unfrosted Pop-Tarts. We think they got their point across, and we hope the person doesn't repurchase these, or there might be worse consequences next time.
21. His Son Got Mad And Opened All The Bananas As Revenge
You know you have pissed off your child when they do something passive-aggressive and petty like this. This little boy was mad at his dad so he opened up all the bananas and left them on the counter. How do kids come up with this stuff?

It's like he chose the wrong day to discipline his son, but that isn't the kind of thing you really pick or choose. He should have taken away all the bananas before reprimanding him. Next time he knows not to leave them out when his son gets in trouble.
22. Don't Call The Police On This Person's Lawn
It looks like the neighbor was the wrong person to call the police on. We don't know what the neighbor was doing to warrant calling the police, but it probably wasn't that bad.

However, as retaliation for having the police called on them, they decided to put up a sign and prepared for a passive-aggressive war. We just can't figure out how the flamingos fit into this equation.
23. To The Neighbor Whose Dog Won't Stop Barking
It looks like someone has had it up to here with their neighbor's dog, and its incessant barking. They probably spoke to the neighbor many times without avail, but the barking continued until they were driven to drastic measures.

While they could have continued to ask the neighbor to keep their dog quiet, instead, they left this not right on their neighbor's house, so the message was loud and clear. That's one way to get your point across, and did we mention it's permanent marker.
24. We See You Too
"I always feel like somebody's watching me." These people had the feeling that one of their neighbors was spying on them with a camera, and that is no way to live. It must be pretty creepy to think someone is spying through your window.

To make sure everyone knew what was going on, they put a message out for the person who was spying. If they didn't stop filming or taking pictures of them, they would have to call the police.
25. Don't Drink Susie's Lemonade
If you have ever lived with someone, you will know how frustrating it can be when you put something in the fridge, and someone else eats it. Susie had been labeling her food, and instead of respecting that, her housemates kept eating her things.

Susie must have been really angry because she replaced her lemonade with cat pee, and her roommates got a special surprise. Now her roommates will never take her food again because they will be too afraid of what's really inside.
26. Land Of The Lost Toilet Paper Tubes
When his wife had had enough of finding empty toilet rolls all over the bathroom, she decided to leave her husband a little reminder. She wanted to make sure that he finally learned to throw away the empty rolls, and she never expected her note would get such a response.

Nothing could have prepared his poor wife for what he had planned in response to her note. We must admit that what he did was pretty funny. But unfortunately for him, his wife didn't see it that way. Hopefully, this husband enjoys sleeping on the couch!
27. When One Drink Goes In The Trash They All Go In The Trash
Some people can be so incredibly petty. While we know the office fridge is a place that can cause many arguments, this person might have gone a little too far. After someone at work threw her drink in the trash, she emptied the rest of the fridge into the garbage for revenge.

She must have been having a terrible day to think it was right to throw away everyone's things. Maybe this had been happening over and over again until she couldn't contain her anger anymore.
28. Pettiness At An All Time High
Always remember to be polite and say "excuse me" if you walk into someone because you never know when they will secretly post about you on Facebook. When the woman in the picture was rude after she bumped into the poster's leg, he decided to get revenge.

He decided to tie her braid to the bus seat just to be petty, and she has no idea what he did. When she goes to get off the bus, she is going to be in for a significant surprise and possibly a world of pain.
29. Finding Out The Truth Is Priceless
This woman took her breakup to another level. She went all out and ordered a giant billboard to let her partner know she knew he cheated. It seems a bit extra, but he was unfaithful to her, and she was very hurt.

Thanks to her billboard, everyone in the neighborhood knows that she kicked her husband out because he is a cheater. He is not going to be able to live this one down, and his mistress will probably dump him too.
30. Happy Hunting For All Your Belongings, And Thanks For Cheating
It seems like this guy was shady talking to a girl named Kelsi on Facebook, and now he has to literally pick up the pieces of his life. Instead of confronting him directly, she decided to get some special revenge.

We hope he paid attention during the relationship because it looks like he needs to remember a few milestone events in order to get his belongings back. Luckily for him, his now-ex-girlfriend didn’t destroy all of his stuff as some other people might do.
31. That’s One Way To Kick Someone Out
People who cheat sometimes don't get the punishment they deserve, but we think this one was fair. When this person caught their significant other cheating, they decided to oust them by showing the neighborhood what they did.

The person decided to put the cheater's belongings on the lawn with a sign that said free stuff. They also spray-painted their car so that people would know they cheated wherever they drove.
32. "I Hope It Works Out"
Well, if you thought getting dumped on social media was terrible, imagine getting dumped in the newspaper, something that anybody can see. That is what happened to Patrick Brown, whose ex let him know that she found out about his mistress and their love child.

What if he never saw it, and he didn't know why his significant other wasn't speaking to him? That is a cowardly way to end things. Also, no one reads the newspaper these days, so this man may never know.
33. Sorry Dave, But You're Broke Now
Dave is probably destroyed after seeing this one. All he needed to do was remain loyal to his wife and children, and he could have avoided this situation. Now everyone in that parking lot and people on the internet will know he had a mistress.

His wife decided it would only be fair to clean out the bank account and leave him with nothing. Dave didn't think when he decided to cheat on his loving wife. Don't be like Dave.
34. Make Sure You Don't Park Like A Jerk
When you pay for a parking garage where you are assigned a specific spot, it is frustrating to see someone else in that space. When this car parked in a spot that didn't belong to them, the rightful owner left this nasty note on their window to give them a piece of their mind.

When this person came back to their car, they were in for a surprise because they probably had no idea that the spot belonged to someone else. We hope they learned not to park in someone else's spot after this.
35. There Are "No Parking" Signs For A Reason
Some people will never learn their lesson that they can't park wherever they please just because they have an expensive car. This person thought they could get away with parking in a "no parking" zone, but they came back to their vehicle to find a surprise.

Not only did they get a parking ticket, but their car was blocked in by trash cans. That's what they get for not following the rules of the road. The signs are out there for a reason, and they should really learn to follow them.
36. Well That's One Crappy Tattoo
We found the number one reason you should never cheat on someone who is a tattoo artist before you ask them for a back tattoo. This girl's boyfriend found out she was being unfaithful, so instead of giving her what she asked for, he secretly put this on her back.

After she saw what he tattooed on her back, she sued him for $100,000 because she was going to need a lot of money to get that removed. It's safe to assume he probably still thinks it was worth the lawsuit.
37. Ellen Is Not Happy With Her Haircut
After a man came over and took a scissors to this horse's mane without permission, the barn had to put up this sign. The person wanted to give the horse bangs, but it was the wrong cut for the horse's face shape.

The horse was angry and upset that she has to walk around with a terrible haircut. This is the closest thing to giving a horse a bowl cut, and those cuts aren't in anymore and will hopefully never come back in style.
38. When You Can't Find The Parking Lines
It seems like people can't seem to figure out how to park inside the lines. This person is the prime example of someone who should probably go back to driving school because they must have missed the parking lesson.

Instead of leaving their car alone, someone decided to teach them a lesson by wrapping the car in layers of cling wrap. Whoever did this has no patience for bad parkers but a lot of patience for pulling off a good revenge prank.
39. “I Washed Your Playstation”
When your boyfriend cheats on your with multiple people, and you have to think of a way to hurt him in the same way he hurt you. Revenge is a dish best served soapy and not useable, which is exactly what she did to her ex-boyfriend's Xbox.

This really puts a damper on his plans to play Call of Duty with his bros and talk about how many girls he hooked up with while his girlfriend was sitting home. He got exactly what he deserved, and he should never mess with her again.
40. Save Yourself Some Time And Leave This Note
When it's dinner time, and you just got home from work, the last thing you probably want to do is open the door to a stranger and talk about religion. You have no intention of listening to these people, but you don't want to slam the door in their faces.

Instead of opening the door, this person decided to leave them a note that would help the people understand not to knock on the door. We hope this worked because it is a nicer way of avoiding them rather than ignoring their knocks.